EPA warns of continued health risks from ‘legacy’ asbestos

The new EPA report states that legacy uses of asbestos in building insulation, pipes, tiles, and other construction materials can still lead to serious illnesses, although typically only when disturbed. The report also suggests that all types of asbestos pose an unreasonable risk to human health.

Five out of the six types of asbestos fibers have been phased out for several decades, but can still be found in buildings constructed before 1978 and in trace amounts in products like talc, which is commonly used in baby powders. Last month, the EPA made the decision to ban all ongoing uses of chrysotile asbestos, the only type of asbestos still imported and used in the United States.

The EPA’s findings highlight the ongoing dangers associated with asbestos, especially in older buildings where the material can still be found. It emphasizes the importance of properly managing asbestos-containing materials to prevent exposure and protect human health. The ban on chrysotile asbestos is a step towards reducing the risks associated with this toxic substance, but further efforts are needed to address legacy uses of asbestos and protect individuals from potential harm.

By Samantha Robertson

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